Finally a place called home.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Saturday, June 2, 2007
10 weeks secret project
Most of my spare time I will spend on the project, which means a lot less party, less going out, less sports, less fun...
The good thing is it's a quite rewarding experience, not only my long term plan will benefit from the project, but also from the project I can gain stuff. I'm still loving it.
However it's not a easy job, it requires much work and dedication, so I need to work harder than before. For people who know me, please don't ask me what project is it, when time is right, I will share it with everyone on the blog.
Hey happy children's day, pls come back to this blog if you find it interesting.
btw, Summer outing is out in my company, and week after next week, my team is going out for a fancy French restaurant. Bye for now.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sleepless in Haas (Shanghai)

Haas is very popular among applicants in high-tech industry. According to Patrick and Momo Haas gives out about 15 offers each year to PRC. This year about 6 are going says Momo. 1 from Shanghai(Momo) 5 from Beijing. Each year one scholarship (tuition waiver) for PRC usually to the highest GMAT score. So target adjusted to 750 for me...
What I learned the most today is that it's okay to go to study MBA without a detailed plan. Ping challenged that I don't have management experience so I didn't know what I am going for my career. Patrick said today most people going for MBA don't have a detailed plan about what they gonna do later. But it's important to have a direction, it's okay when you finish your MBA and say hey I want to do something else. I will either do product management/product marketing or start-up in high-tech for my career. So MBA will be a good tool for me to reach that goal.
It was a nice district, however the bar chosen(Old Movies) was not so good. The bar ripped us off by demanding each of us ordering at least 50 RMB (around 7 USD) tea/snack/coffee.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A music video I enjoyed today
Bonus video: Travis - Closer
Saturday, April 28, 2007
New apartment
The interior of the apartment is a bit old, the building was built in 1990, I saw some neighbours today, they seem nice. The landlord wanted to have the apartment painted during the "Golden week" of May, My girlfriend and I decided to paint it ourselves and pick up our own color.
So golden week project 1. paint the apartment 2. decorate it a bit 3. move in.
Budget planning and pictures to be uploaded later.
So far, we need a dining table, 2 chairs, 1 reading table, 1 reading chair, 1 sofa, 1 microwave oven.
My current luxury (some may have seen) apartment's contract will end only in June, so I need to talk to my current landlord, hopefully she will agree to let me rent it out as the same price so we can end our contract earlier.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Virginia tech shooting
Rumor says the gunman is from Shanghai, I am very worried, just like Bin Laden won't do any good to the image of Afghanistan student.I visited an apartment today, decor and floor is okay, price is also okay, location soso, but ok:), uploaded photo.
Here is a picture how my desktop look like:), I wanted a desktop PC, maybe after I move to the new apartment I will get one.
Update, confirmed from Metro news paper in Shanghai, the gunman is from Korea...
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Belgium closing up
呵呵, 感叹岁月蹉跎啊, 转眼来上海也2年了。
Today I cleaned up my papers. I found my rent contract from Belgium, the addresses are Tiensestraat 154, Tiensestraat 142, Fredrik Lintsstraat 59, 3 houses in 3 years. I also found all my bank statement from Fortis bank, and the financial guarantee paper from Mrs.Zhou.
Life is like a box of Chocolate, luck is maybe at the next corner.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Take things for granted
The lesson learned here is that I took for granted the later engineer would communicate to the former engineer the change, which is now proven not the case:(.
I went to a restaurant and bought a take away for my dinner. When I got home, I found one dish I paid is not in the bag, I actually saw they put my fried rice in two boxes, and they gave 4 boxes. I ordered 4 dishes, so I took for granted they would put 2 of the dishes in one box.
Lessons learned, never take things for granted:). Always do some check, simple or complex, make your life a lot easier after wards
Monday, March 19, 2007
Back from Nanking
- Nice bullet-train ride from Shanghai to Nanking(though not as fast as bullet-trains in the rest of the world, well, not yet). 300KM in 2.5 hours, 3 stops in between.
- Hunan Rd is nice in the evening for food (if you like real Chinese food).
- Confucius temple, Qinghuai river are nice
- Youth hostel close to Confucius temple under poor management.
- Not as clean(organized) as other neighbouring cities
Conclusion: old capital, so it's old. Somehow not well maintained and developed in my opinion
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Home sweet home
It's about 5 degrees Celsius here, and it's raining.
This is typical for my hometown. It feels very warm to be with my family. I take my camera with me so I will upload some pictures now and then.
Happy holidays everyone!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Back from Ningbo (宁波)
last weekend 2 days trip to a 4 hours away from shanghai city called Ningbo.
- Seafood is SOOO GREAT. I was so hungry and I keep eating eating and eating, so no picture of food taken this time. My apologies
- City is great too. A good escape from the hustle and bustle Shanghai.
- People are greater:). Nice and friendly (though I had a little water-fight using my paddle with a couple of local boys on the other boat)
- Taxi drivers are good. I mean they drive like F1 driver, yahoo!
- A city like this should be 30 mins maximum from Shanghai~!
- Night life isn't as fancy as Shanghai
- There might not be enough high-end jobs for young professionals
4 of 5. Definitely a recommend if you have a few days to kill. I will visit there again, when there's plenty of seafood in autumn.
Check out the web album
Sunday, January 21, 2007
7 habits of highly efficient people
The article I read when I am at work today (sorry, boss) is quite interesting. Here to share with you. The article is in Chinese. So can't share with those who can't read Chinese, I apologize. Here is the link:
Why I did this post is because I want to remind myself the last habit mentioned. Roughly translated as following.
Job itself doesn't bring you financial security. we can only win by independent thinking, creativity, learning ability, and flexibility; Being rich, doesn't mean you can be rich forever, what you can rely on is your abilities to build your fortune.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Spaghetti and HDR
Meat, Tomato, Onion, Carrot, Red pepper, Mushroom, Garlic, Shallot, Ginger. All bought from local market
and Chef
HDR is High Dynamic Range, it is a graphics technique, it makes you picture looks more like movie (or unreal). I would like to try to use this technique when I got my mini tripod. Basically I just shoot multiple pictures with different exposures so that I have all of the brightness levels that I want in my final image.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Back from Wuzhen (乌镇)
Motivation: a TV soup (似水年华) was shot there.
S at, Jan 13th 14:50 Shanghai->Jiaxing (1h Train) 16:50 Jiaxing->Wuzhen(1 1/2 h Bus)
Sun, Jan 14th 12:50 Wuzhen-> Shanghai(3 h Bus)
- Buildings & Old looking streets on the sides of the river (canal).
- Friendly local folks.
- Free sample of local distilled liquor.
- Packed with tourists from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m most times of the year.
- Expensive entrance tickets.
- Most buildings and streets are (re)built in year 2000 with the old looking according to a local lady:(.
- "official" lodging and food inside the "scenic" area way to expensive
- The rest of the town is just as plain as other un-developed area in China.
2 of 5. I would recommend you to take the day return trip from Shanghai, Hangzhou or other close-by city, if you insist to go there.
Online album.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Talk with general manager and Harvard Business School Reception
Then in the afternoon I got a chance talking to the general manager of the innovation center I am currently working at. Basically we exchanged ideas on what I will do in 2007. At last he casually asked how I was doing, and I said I got my self some new nice gadget and did some serious thinking what I want to do in the near and far future. Then he said, care to share some thoughts ?and I said I was thinking about going back to school to do a Ph.d. Then he really gave me some good hints, he said I should picture what I might be doing in 5 years, and then try to put that image on myself see how happy I would be in that position and how much satisfaction I could bring to my self, and he said if I want to start a company of my own or bring more money probably a MBA is better(like my ex-boss is doing).
I registered a HBS (Harvard Business School) MBA reception in Shanghai few weeks ago, and it's tonight, I went there, it was MUCH more formal than the MBA reception of University of Chicago. I asked 2 questions
1. How many China Mainlanders they admitted last year
the guy is from career service department and the alumni are not current students so they guess the number was about 8-16.
2.Give 2 or 3 points what they like the most and hate the most about HBS
of course the answers vary.
I got the feeling that the competition's gonna be really tough there, there is a detail I noticed during the Q&A session, each of the 5 alumni has a mic and one of the alumni's mic wasn't working, 4 others sit there and did not offer to help, then the career service guy just couldn't watch it anymore and came up to offer a help.
Since I got the camera, I will try to take pictures from now on if I go to events like this. Excuse me for this time, I didn't charge the new battery ;).
Sunday, January 7, 2007
My new gadgets

I will get a Nikon P3 digital camera next week. Main buying factors are
- Mainstream DC, does 8 Mega pixels, 2.5" LCD. 1/1.8" CCD which enables better picture quality since most mainstream DC's use 1/2.5" CCD.
- Vibration Reduction, WiFi(though limited only for photo transfer to PC)
- Use SD card which is dirt cheap now. (around $12 for 1GB here)

Monday, January 1, 2007
Why? Why now?
Cause windows live space sucks in China. Few days ago there was a earth quake near Taiwan, it broke China's main fiber connection to the U.S. (See The earthquake broke my internet, Maybe we’ll get something better?). Rumor says Microsoft promised to run MSN and other service in China few year ago, but in reality it's not happening, after the earth quake only Gmail and Gtalk remain functioning. This has given me confidence in using google's service in China and thus it is why I am moving my blog to blogger (I can login using my google account).
Why now?
I have relocated (moved back) to China for 1 year and 5 months now, I think lots of Chinese people who studied abroad or studying abroad is watching China closely, so I would like to share my experience here. I wish it can help some of the overseas student community and thus share our unique experience.
Today I would like to recommend for me, I can find my ex-boss, my ex-colleague, some of my college's friends and Professors and my current boss' boss on it:).
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